Monday, December 30, 2019


Is the club's speaker meetings only open to members?
No, anybody can attend the Thursday night meetings and there is no cost associated, the club gets a room free of cost. The members -- limited to 10 by the club's articles -- bear financial obligations. ALL WELCOME please read on ...


When does the Australian Speakers Club meet?
The club meets on the second Thursday of the month, other than December and January. Please be there by 7.30pm and be advised though scheduled to end by 9.30pm, the duration determined by the invited speaker.

Where the Australian Speakers Club meets?
The club convenes at the Burwood Return Services Club, 96 Shaftsbury Road Burwood

Should you be interested?
No, if you live outside the greater metropolitan region of Sydney, New South Wales Australia. Unless of cause you are curious, visiting or feel a need to associate with others whose perspective should be gleaned from reading future blogs.

Is this speakers club intended as another vehicle for leftist political views?
No, the club came into existence after a unilateral decision of office holders of this club's predecessor: The Conservative Speakers Club (C.S.C.). In February 2008 saw the termination of The Conservative Speakers, on 08 July of the same year a gathering of a few concerned attendees of the defunct club (C.S.C.) came together at the Sydney Bowlers Club. From that small gathering The Australian Speakers Club was inaugurated 14 July 2008, intended to promote conservative, nationalist and traditional values as had its predecessor -- C.S.C. was created and controlled by The Australian League of Rights N.S.W. Branch.

The Aims and Objectives of the Australian Speakers Club


1.   To find out how our country and society is organised and maintained, by inviting people with knowledge of how our country and society is organised and maintained, to speak to members of the club at club meetings of the matters about which those speakers have knowledge, and/or to show videos at club meetings which represent that information. The purpose of finding out how our country and society is organised and maintained is to prevent Australians from acquiring and holding false beliefs about how our country and society is organised and maintained.


2.   To find out how foreign countries and societies are organised and maintained, by inviting people with knowledge of how foreign countries and societies are organised and maintained, to speak to members of the club at club meetings of the matters about which those speakers have knowledge, and/or to show videos at club meetings which represent that information. The purpose of finding out how foreign countries and societies are organised and maintained is to prevent Australians from acquiring and holding false beliefs about how foreign countries and societies are organised and maintained.



3.   To find out if the way in which Australia is organised and maintained affects other countries and their societies and if the way other countries are organised and maintained affects Australia. To do that we will invite people with knowledge of those matters to speak to members of the club at club meetings of the matters about which those people have knowledge, and/or to show videos at club meetings which represent that information. The pup0ose of finding out how our actions affect other countries and how the actions of other countries affects Australia is to prevent Australians from acquiring and holding false beliefs about how our actions affect other countries and how the actions of other countries affects Australia.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

14th February 2019 Death by gov's; discrimination case; Banks and gold; social imperative

The agenda presented by the club secretary Mr. D. Brooke
Subjects presented in order with the secretary's recorded introduction

Voice files might not be active immediately after this post is published.


Recorded Introduction:
Link to alternative site for immediate play 
[ Don.s Intro. ASC Audio_52_02/19]

Audio_52 02/19

A edited version of a doco. shown sometime ago.  The information delivered by content viewed what constitutes mans greatest fear or it should. The fear of threat ever present and on going, experienced almost everywhere governments assume, or granted sovereignty over subject people.  The narrative and the film's object was to establish in the viewer's mind this truth: When there's a imbalance in gun ownership/control existing between authority (government), nasty consequences can -- and in the case presented -- do arise -- governments or a controlling establishment have taken more lives than random fatalities due to other causes.

People of the ANZAC countries have delightful representatives jeopardising their subject people.  Holding the region open to incursion.  Perhaps parliamentary representatives shouldn't be allowed to directly determine foreign commercial outcomes.

There are now threats that were not evident at the time of the Port Arthur alleged one man attack. And more surely will come from the New Zealand Christchurch incident.The immediate above offered in place of the countries and regimes bringing death to millions. As recalled suffering pre-millennium.  Perhaps more international pro-activity but all the same surely the
number count is steadily ticking over.  Should Sharia take hold as government anywhere what then ..., and then there's the Rohinga, their plight this club (Don) certainly first brought to my attention.   

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0267 02/19

Present 2.

A racial legal case caught public attention in Australia in recent time.  The defendants white university students and access denied to a laboratory.  The laboratory primarily but not solely for aboriginal students.  The white students denied entry to this laboratory, then went public through the social media.  The employee (guardian) takes umbrage at the media posted remark(s).  The employee (guardian) in conjunction with the Anti-Discrimination Board chairperson takes court action, which fails.  The pointed issue of this report, people can't go on merrily with their lives whilst as the presenter explained: Section 18(c) of the Anti-Discrimination Act "18(c) used for malice".

Present 3.

Central Banks buying up gold as a store of value in light of reserve currency concern.  US debt is 6 trillion dollars -- believing this agrees with something recently blogged on this subject.  Another store of value banksters are actively engaging is/are bitcoins according to what we are told.  Also the US holds 10 thousand tonnes of gold, compared with India's 20 thousand tonnes, understood mostly assets of individuals.  May be in time coming it might become known from whence rupees were/are exchanged to dollars ($#au) to buy "your car" as advertised.  Charitable contributions to our society made possible by president Modi's currency initiatives?!?!

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0268 02/19

Present 4.

How climate historically conditioned people according to latitudinal location.  People in bye gone days living in the upper latitudes developed differently than those in the temperate zone.  A different ethic and adaption according to weather imposed vicissitude. This though not mentioned, seemed to relate to inhabitants in Europe's North.  Taken as a given, population drift is/was northwards, due to imbalance of population to resources in the temperate climate regions.  In lock step with population increase political development in the post industrial era, allowed governments to ease hardship by welfare.  Printing and distribution of money promoted a "maƱana" (what will be, will be) complacency, governments have desensitised people from hardship and cooperation to survive.  The rigorous ancestors of northern European stock had to endure and adjust too.  It was/is suggested the
historical evolution with declining need to socially coalesce brought forth the popinjay.  "Foot lose and fancy free" the popinjay a product of modernity and government interference, a person with this personality had no place in what was once a struggle for mutual survival.

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0269 02/19.

CONCLUSION with a vote of thanks for the secretary evenings events.


Tuesday, March 19, 2019

8th November 2018 Eco. rationality by chance;BILL to alarm

The agenda presented by the club secretary Mr. D. Brooke
Subjects presented in order with the secretary's recorded introduction

Voice files might not be active immediately after this post is published.


Recorded Introduction:
Link to alternative site for immediate play 
[ Don.s Intro. ASC Audio_51_11/18]

Audio_51 11/18

Present 1.

When looking into this doco. for the club’s blog.  Reminded in Australia is in an election year – also, N.S.W. is to have a state election.  So with a second look, this content was viewed differently to that on the night of the club’s showing.

Britain by virtue of retaining small island possessions after the loss of empire since WW11.  Told that the UK has established a financial dominance through those island possessions as “tax havens”.   Investments in former empire domains and legal trust instruments, apart from other foreign entities utilise those havens.  Have strengthened a commercial-financial hub identified as the City of London.  Told the City of London administers those islands at “arms length”, and thankfully(sic) independent of Westminster's interference.

The presentation was to convince a streamer-viewer the practice of hiding assets in jurisdictions of tax advantage was/is abhorrent, especially that crime money was or could be laundered by this divisiveness.

In Australia we’ve a socialist nationalist outfit called the Labor Party.  Accepted by electors as the alternative to the current party in power.  The Labor Party has according to its parliamentary membership a tradition of profligacy.  The Australian Labor Party has signaled if elected will deny 2.1 million superannuates, 900,000 in pension phase of entitlement to imputation credits.  Many of the 900,000 need the refund to subsist.  As far as known, all superannuation contributions are held in (or by) Trusts;  Trusts apparently that cannot be moved into a safe environment, safe from exploitation.  Members and those who may read on, consider how the 900,000 might view this doco.(?)  The doco. doesn’t  examine the implication other than a call to ethical and moral repugnance.

Wanting as always to share observations on Don’s offering with members past and present with objective appraisal, with a expectation of concurrence.

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0265 11/18

Present 2.

The following provided for those who might be concerned.  It explains itself and is taken from a presentation shown at the club.   A highly disturbing bit of legislative “bastardry” as read in the month of the N.S.W. state election, remains a bill and pray, never sees passage in a future federal parliament.

Heise Says. Published on September 27 2018.

1. Daily Mail_Friday September 2018_6.36am?  Now the police want your password – and you could be fined $60,000 or put in prison for 5 years if you refuse.
2. Draft Bill (mentioned)
3. Submission – Telstra (cost to the Co.)
02 – Comment on the Bill
Exposure Draft Telecommunications and Other Legislation Amendment (Assistance and access) Bill 2018
4. Part 1 – Industry assistance
Division – Introduction_317A.  Simplified outline of this Part
5. Other submissions_Numbering 3 (read)
6. Review of the Telecommunications etc. (as above full title)

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0266 11/18

CONCLUSION with a vote of thanks for the secretary evenings events.

11th October 2018

ASC October club meeting cancelled.

Club secretary absent without notice.

For the secretary to offer explanation should he voluntarily see its in the club's interest.

My apologies for not attending the October meeting - overwhelmed with tasks.

Did not receive reminder until after 8:00 pm on the night - I usually get to Burwood RSL before 7:00 pm but no one contacted me until it was too late to drive to the club and still run the meeting.

Other committee members were unprepared to run the meeting - since October I have adopted the practice of sending the agenda and links to other committee members and ask them to bring their computers as back ups.

Also - to avoid a re-occurrence - the committee now gets reminders of the meeting before the meeting.

Kind Regards


13th September 2018 Disagreeably reporter;IQ revelation;gold mkts

The agenda presented by the club secretary Mr. D. Brooke
Subjects presented in order with the secretary's recorded introduction

Voice files might not be active immediately after this post is published. 


Recorded Introduction:
Link to alternative site for immediate play 
[ Don.s Intro. ASC Audio_50_09/18]

 AGM for the club was conducted during the recorded introduction and excised.  Sound file rejoined so Dr. James Saleam's summary of the Wagga bi-election etc., made available to the blog.  

Audio_50 09/18

Present 1.

A carry over from the last club meeting.  The same “political incorrect” campaigner.  Over a period of half an hour or less four women of ethnic appearance, excluding one white and another transvestite, here questioned on a suburban street somewhere in Sydney.  The campaigner questioning on the subjects ..., friendly adversarial and they without demur.  The answers were entirely subjective and seemed entirely emotive, perhaps the questions too involved for impromptu fairness.  However should such unbalanced thinking arise at the time to ballot – Australia is in a election year.  Like Brexit before things become desperate – expect club members would agree – a referendum on compulsory voting be a matter of urgency.

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0263 09/18

Present 2.

Following Don’s recommendation this radio stream complemented the preceding present.  Nothing sexist about it, but a discourse with graphics from a prepared script.  Statistical information primarily the US, Sweden and Denmark based on IQ of service-men, criminals and ethnic populations.  Apologetic impressions conveyed, undoubtedly to ease listeners(sic) discomfort; as was compassionate understanding of afflictions that beset some (in life) more than others. 

Compelled at a earlier period of life to undertake IQ tests.  When considered those results with their variations, mathematically when the principle of “standard deviation” applied, with results below average, it is hearten to know scale pushed to the upper end of average.  So career denied and overlooked in a patron determining sponsorship as to career placement – a motivational fiasco.  IQ less than the optimal, four decades of tinnitus … haven’t come to a categorical conclusion on the truth of the existential.  Caused to wonder what do I share with ASC members and others for that matter, when this subject is presented to consciousness reflection.

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0264 09/18

Present 3.

A short concise doco. On gold, current information of where gold could be heading.  Lucky is a investor who can put his hands on the physical metal.  Brokers sell gold to the jewelry creators, technology industry and what remains resides in central banks.  Much of the metal finds its way to Russia and China.  In many ways we were told potentially detrimental to other economies and currencies.  People who trade in the metal are really trading in “paper gold” which has been oversold and the market manipulated, two American international institutions named. 

 CONCLUSION with a vote of thanks for the secretary evenings events.

9th August 2018 Sth Afr. alarm; N.S.W.and N.Z human right alarms

There  was no introduction other than a members and invitee(s) welcome by the secretary.
The agenda items set down for the evening and time wanting because of a later start, Don got things underway.

Voice files might not be active immediately after this post is published.

Present 1.

Afrikaan – Suidlanders

A concise short background narrative invited by the online host for a Afrikaan spokesperson to enlighten members of European colonisation of South Africa.  This spokesperson understood to represent “Suidlanders” formed 2006.  Impression things were grim for protestants in Europe.  Wanting to escape RC – state persecution in Europe they migrated to SA.  Afrikaners inherited a race divided system with rules and regulations imposed under British rule.  So when British rule waned in SA, the political dominant Afrikaners carried on with the system inherited known as “Apartheid”.   Interesting club members learnt for the 40 years of Apartheid less number of people were killed than in one week of the ANC controlled government since – implied homicides and political killings etc.  The spokesperson is very proud of Afrikaner forebears who built the largest hospital, presumed for all races residing in SA, in the Southern Hemisphere.  This during a period when the black population underwent a 2000% increase, from 1950 to 1990 approx. end of Apartheid.   Further interest, prompted by recollection, the RC Church had a activist representative Bishop Trevor Huddleston in Africa.  His contemporaries Joe Slovo and Helen Suzman opponents of national governments, coincidentally dominated by European settlers.  Again interesting, Huddleston the priest and Slovo the communist died during the 90’s, Suzman lived on longer to express reservations as to the course of post-Apartheid ANC socio-economic reconstruction.

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following.

712_0257 08/18

Present 2.

Well informed lady and believed to have travelled widely, found her way to a Muslim enclave.   Armed with a camera and audio recorder was to conducted  impromptu interviews.  She didn’t get very far.  What followed a argumentative dialogue promoted by a female news reporter.  According to this Aussie reporter there’s no problem with Muslim violence and societal incompatibility, and never will be a problem in the part of “town” in which both were standing.  The lady visitor from abroad points out this has not been the case in the Northern hemisphere.  So, we (members) had to conclude it’s a global hemisphere related issue i.e., Muslims and their Sharia ?!?!

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following.

712_0258 08/18

Present 3.

Following, another preceding confrontation as was shown to members.   This time with a N.S.W. authoritarian police officer.  The presenters including the lady producer (Present 2.) felt compelled to discuss their Sydney experience in front of camera.  By the way the presenters referred are independent alternative media identities.  What came from the rational analysis from the two: government it seems has given police “police state powers” whilst the media happily go along with the covering-up.  Undoubtedly being advantaged as was suggested by the presence of police and media serving the maintenance of status quo.

Surely reinforces the notion a “free” independent alternative media is in the interest of the Australian People.  Whereby the fallacy of “political correct” nonsense is capable of exposure and adjustment of  the collective unconscious of the Australian People, sooner than later reverse with realisation … Forthcoming elections we, club members, hope may bear this out.

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following.

712_0259 08/18

Present 4.

In order  events should have followed the next to conclude both the club’s meeting and the tour of the couples Southern Hemisphere fact finding adventure.  The male (of the couple referred too) felt the needed to express what came out of the New Zealand rejection.   Members viewed the exposure as related as nothing less than a Embarrassment!   Having to cancel venue(s) there to address people of like mind on the subject of freedom and multi-nationalism  – Prematurely judged as a Hegelian dialectic example, however with a more recent event, a more realistic synthetic outcome; wouldn’t we (members) say(?) ... perhaps to discuss later within our club's confinement. 

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following.

712_0260 08/18

Present 4.

Now, New Zealand from what we (the club, open to the public) could gather from this discussion between the touring couple.  The country houses people predominantly of a ultra socialist outlook when compared with liberal and conservative elements i.e., those who would have attended their public venue(s).

A small beautiful land, believed over populated, as the movement of people across the ditch is west (from east).  Popularly not known for resources other than wonderful fertile land and offerings from the surrounding ocean.  Regrettably a preponderant of New Zealanders have by necessity relied on government.  As elsewhere Labor and socialist parties when in government embrace a “pull, push”  economic platform, so it is with party policy as the touring couple found out.             

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following.

712_0261 08/18

CONCLUSION with a vote of thanks for the secretary evenings events.

12th July 2018 Aust. people's safety;a PM's charity;US, China consequent

The agenda presented by the club secretary Mr. D. Brooke
Subjects presented in order with the secretary's recorded introduction

Voice file might be inactive immediately after this post is published.


Recorded Introduction:
Link to alternative site for immediate play 
[ Don.s Intro. ASC Audio_49_07/18]

Audio_49 07/18

Before what's to be introduced Don refers members to agenda item that probably will not be aired.  A address at Hillsdale College by a columnist, Asian Times -- considered too long to read; could possibly be converted from text to speech.  The program for the evening determined with consideration of time limitation.

712_0249 07/18_ 00mins19sec.

Present 1.

This a report from the --------- organisation.  A outsider’s view of Australia from British colonisation to the present.  Previously dependent on the British and since the fall of Singapore at the start WW11 on the USA.   A outsider’s view, adroit condemnation that Australia has followed the British tradition of island vulnerability.  Australians have not adopted the security standards, generosity of spirit found predominantly in the American collective psyche, thereby achieving a standard of safety for the people.  Relaxed gun ownership is allowed for the safety of its citizens.  This in turn provides provision for a better boarder defense.

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0250 07/18

Present 2.

A print article agenda listed as “ Prime minister Malcolm Turnbull’s charitable foundation”.  Read to the members by the club secretary, no time recorded.

712_0251 07/18_13mins27sec.

Present 3.

This doco. Went a stage further than others Don has shown.  More up to date as to what the presentation claims has/is happening to the American economy.  Concluded by stating North America has lost its middle class and China’s international trade competition the cause.  Then suggests gold is held by banksters who have accumulated this precious metal by questionable practice.   

Link to alternative sites for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0252 07/18

712_0253 07/18

CONCLUSION with a vote of thanks for the secretary evenings events.